golf campus swimming carnival

golf campus swimming carnival

kinsevere campus swimming carnival 

kinsevere campus swimming carnival 


Competitive Inter-house events for Kaozi, Golf and Kinsevere campuses 2016-17

(by Nahomie )

The swimming carnivals took place during the first term. All the campuses had the opportunity to participate and gradually win. The swimming carnival for the Kaozi campus on the 11th November, Golf campus on the 23rd November, and the 25th November for the Kinsevere campus. All the carnivals were held at “La Plage Complexe”.

North, South, East, and West houses participated and had great fun while doing the activities. Each house was well supported by cheers and songs. The atmosphere was vivid and bright, people’s faces were glowing with happiness and optimism. Every one tried their best to make their houses win. The place was surrounded by high spirits, the joyous emotion was palpable. The swimming carnivals were well organized and coordinated with the help of our teachers and with the house captains who trained, worked, and encouraged their team to do the best they could to win.

Record for the Kaozi Campus:

Position                 House                Points               House Captains

1st place                 North                 54 points            Jenny

2nd place               West                  48 points            Harshitaa

3rd place                South                46 points            Lliyan

4th place                 East                  40 points           Chrissah

Record for the Golf Campus: Students who earned the most point for their teams:

                       Student          Points earned         Grade         

 1st place        Tonnel            32                             ELL 2      

 2nd place      Shams            28                            Grade 7

3rd place        Enrique          24                            Grade 4

4th place        David              21                             Grade 7

Award for the one who participated to most events:           

Shams            Participated in seven events           Grade 7

House point record for the Golf Campus:

Positions          House          Points          House captains

1st place           North          129                David & Rhina

2nd place         East            128                Dimercia & Lauriane

3rd place          West           111                  Christopher & Shams

4th place          South          104                Fatima & Nathan

Record for the Kinsevere Campus:

Students who earned the most points for their teams:

                       Student                      Points earned           Grade        

1st place          Anjan/Gradi tie          16                              UNHS/8

2nd place       Furaha                        14                             Grade 8    

3rd place        Emmanuel Tshal         12                             Grade 9

4th place         Vinns                          10                             UNHS   

Award for the one who participated in most events: 

Neema            Participated in 9 events       Grade 8 

House point record for the Kinsevere Campus

Positions                House               Points             House Captains

1st place                  North                100                  Marie-Laurena and Kevin S

2nd place               East                   84                    Vincent and Jochebed

3rd place                South                 83                    Kevin L and Elletisse

4th place                West                  75                     Tridia and David

Overall TESOL house cup point-score for swimming carnivals:

1st      North with 283

2nd    East with 252

3rd    West with 234

4th    South with 233

Soccer News 2017

students versus teachers - sports day february 2017

students versus teachers - sports day february 2017

group five and hobecon removing anthills 

group five and hobecon removing anthills 

Soccer field and tournament

(By Jean-Yves, Kevin L and Igor) 

As the most enjoyed sport at TESOL, soccer is a passion for most, let’s say all TESOL students.

This is what inspired the school to commence immediate construction of a soccer field. Students get to play their beloved sport on this beautiful ground on  our weekly designated sports day.

On Tuesday afternoons the school is divided into two categories to ease the flow of the activities: the eighth grade and ninth grade together and then the three Nebraska rooms combined. Soccer is supervised by the team coach Mr. Guy along with Mr. Dillon.

TESOL will be hosting their first ever interschool competition on Saturday May 13th, 2017. This widely awaited event, not only by the students but also the school staff, will be a fund raiser and we all hope for it to be a great success.

A committee for organizing this event is already working towards the accomplishment of this goal headed by the head coaches Mr. Guy Mulobe and Mr. Dillon Guyo along with seven students: Torah Muyambo, Elletisse Ngoie, Marie Lys Kankwende, Igor Kasiho, Kevin Seya, Mr. Kevin Lwandu and Jean-Yves Mbumb.

They are currently working on the set up and confirmations of sponsors and participating parties. Anyone who thinks they can be of any help too, please come forward and talk to them.

For this event, a second minor pitch is under construction (we do hope it is as good as the first). This construction is done under the supervision of the Administration and Kinsevere teachers, and some very generous help from the school’s contractor Mr. Nick, representing HOBECON who carted away earth and slashed the grounds, and the generosity of Group 5 who removed three large termite hills.

Sports Day 2017

TESOL Inter-house Sports Day was an all-TESOL event held at the new Kinsevere campus.